The mission of OPEN GOV HUB ALBANIA is to promote the creation of an open society through creating opportunities and enhancing the interaction between different sectors and organizations, and to serve as a bridge to establish cooperation that is needed to address global challenges of our time, in particular those related to good and open governance.

The objective of the Center
OPEN GOV HUB ALBANIA aims to contribute to the development of the civil society that will play an ineradicable role in the political and economic development of the Republic of Albania (and within the Western Balkans, Mediterranean, European and global contexts).
The objective of OPEN GOV HUB ALBANIA is to bring together the skills and resources of researchers, data analysts, communicators, technicians, lawyers including journalists in order to encourage and promote the outstanding potential of this thematic model of cooperation across borders for an open society, and promote the use of best practices that are in place in various countries.

Field of Activity of the Hub
The Center operates according to the following main pillars:

(a) To provide services to enable essential resources such as office space and for the organization of meetings for non-profit organizations operating in the field of open government;
(b) To enable the cultivation of a culture of community support for governance;
(c) To help advocate for open governance organizations to collaborate, to provide innovative ideas and to learn together to have a greater collective impact;
(e) To provide space for non-profit organizations as a collaboration opportunity and space for people who want to make a change.

In line with its objectives, the Center will organize conferences and seminars, trainings, refinement and updating courses, will promote studies and research laboratories, will participate in projects with such goals, will publish papers and studies, and it will conduct surveys, collect and facilitate the dissemination of information related to the field of open government.


Opening up information and data about public activities, and helping keep governments honest.


Promoting responsibility and integrity in governance and combating corruption.



Promoting equality and participation for all citizens.


Anti-corruption, sustainable development, open data, and more, through policy research and advocacy, media and communications etc.

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